The Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece, various media: oil on canvas, digital and drawings

From the tale of Jason and the Argonauts, in ancient Greece. The fleece had the power to return life or transform. The fleece was guarded by a series of supernatural forces in physical form. The Gorgon , the hydra all manner of mythical creatures that had to be slain to reach the magical golden fleece.

It felt a fitting metaphor for the struggles of mortal transformation, the trials and tribulations needed to reach the fleece, the prize. I depicted figures to illustrate the hurdles toward the transformation to ‘a woman’ though even in my painting this is only half achieved. like myself only so much is changed.
Many variations on the oil painting existed, the dogs the goat and many other symbols and metaphors are woven into the allegory.
Need it ever be finished…will I ever be finished?