Now what?

Hi I am Alex and that is the subject of my journey.

My work is designed to engage with the viewer, to explore a dialogue with objects and traditional ideas. In this form it is a compendium of ideas old and contemporary.
I create art in many mediums from oil and acrylic to glass and ceramic.
2D, 3D, 4D…whatever the work represents and suggests as either a statement or question. 
I have created so many images, art pieces, over the last 29 years as a full time creative artist, visual consultant and online exhibition organiser. I have worked with many, many organisations including the Arts Council of England, Literature festivals, theatrical productions, digital art and conceptual installations.
I am the motif of my art. Alex, is a work in progress, a transition a journey woman.
My art is my story, my emotional responses and the need to be an element in the fabric of our evolving society.

lovealex x

Alex Loveridge

A new chapter, or a new book? We will have to wait and see.

I have started with where I came from but hope to show the moments that could have stood out as landmarks. Many seem so obvious now, so why didn’t I see them?

I know this is my personal journey but I am not unique…far from it. Perhaps there is a subtext that will resinate with others. If you are hidden from yourself perhaps these images may help you discover more about yourself?

I am part of the work. It seems clear the artist and their art share the same canvas…or teapot.
Dali, Picasso, Warhol, were as recognisable as their art. They, themselves, shared the motif…

My new work is about how I feel now. There is a connection to my past and the influences in my work that are deeply female. I knew it but didn’t express it as well as I do now.

I don’t know quite where it is going, or what it will look like…we will see.
love Alex x

Moondancer 20"x 30" (Sept. 2022)
Moondancer 20″x 30″ (Sept. 2022)

Moondancer: androgynous or non defined. Dancing in the firelight to a Moon above. I wanted to capture the beauty of form and emotional expression in a nude of no fixed sex.
And there is a primal and spiritual feeling in that. Jan 22
Available as 20″x30″ canvas prints.

‘Gender is skin deep’

We hide behind masks not always of our making
The mind and the body can be different

(Plaster sculpture and digital background. A canvas, a sculpture and a digital image. ) The image is a composite of skull and features.

My statement

wireframe figure 12″ My body

The form and the shell

Looking forward it is easy to see where my influences lie. My work masks its true intent, the feelings of disappointment, yearning and betrayal lay before me in line colour and form.

It began so long ago, hidden in symbols emotions and images. The shell was about to crack

notebook, the egg hung from the branch by an umbilical cord.
This is me, or it will be, must I make myself?

…moments of significance.

None of these ideas, thoughts or images are conclusive of what I was hiding from but they are markers that now fill in some of the missing pieces of myself. I have added them here as a temporary background to the unraveling story. They will drift back into the archive of my mind as time goes by.

Who is in the mirror… that isn’t me?

I don’t see what you do I have dysphoria, I see a thing a face that is not mine, a mask a construction of features, mostly unpleasant.
The worst part is, it is the wrong gender.
No-one wants to listen or even understand. I am shouting for help and nobody hears me…either that or they just don’t care.

I was split, torn between who I am and who I see. Sketches scribbles, moments of reflection when the veil is at its thinnest . A shoreline sometimes sea sometimes land each time the tide rolls in. I spent so many years on my beach.

…and now?

Everything about me is modified, how I live and work, interact and develop as an artist and as a person. So the next work will approach how I feel, react and interact with people in my world.
Emotions are heightened and are expressed differently. The medium and the content will change from what went before.

New projects include:
