
Using Tykhe Dice

‘Tykhe Dice were created to follow in a tradition of foretelling the future with dice. From the earliest times that has been the case.  But in modern times we have found better ways. That doesn’t mean they have no value…but how we use them has changed. No-one knows the future but we do know ourselves. Know thyself and you are on the right path and you know more about yourself than you think…you just need a key. Tykhe Dice is a key. No need for previous knowledge of ‘divination’ or even know the word.

Keep the key simple…the symbols are easy to understand and contain very powerful meanings you already connect with. Tykhe dice are insight not a prediction.’

Self improvement, mystery, magic and pleasure

Tydice (Tykhe dice) finds the inner you and propels you to find the answers and the future you hope for.